Μπορείτε να ανακτήσετε τη χαμένη τεστοστερόνη;

Χαμηλή τεστοστερόνη is a common concern, especially among aging men. Although men don’t often experience a significant drop in sex hormones in middle age like women do, it’s not uncommon for men to see lower hormone levels in their later years. But is it possible to regain testosterone if you begin to notice a drop in your hormone levels? With the help of an πάροχος οικείας υγείας, it’s very possible. Here’s what to know about treating low testosterone and what you can expect at Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics.

What Causes Low Testosterone?

There are a variety of causes of low testosterone. Some people are simply born with conditions that affect the production of testosterone, leading to deficiency. However, other causes of low testosterone can include:

  • Γήρανση
  • Μεταβολικό σύνδρομο
  • Medications such as SSRIs
  • Η παχυσαρκία
  • Λοίμωξη
  • Pituitary gland diseases
  • Τραυματισμός ή τραύμα
  • Καρκίνος όρχεων
  • Αυτοάνοσο νόσημα

Πώς γίνεται η διάγνωση της χαμηλής τεστοστερόνης;

Testing is key to determining if you have low testosterone. The American Urology Association considers low testosterone to be less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), and your intimate health provider will get a measure of your testosterone levels using a blood test. However, the appropriate testosterone level varies with each individual depending upon their age and weight. A variety of other tests can be beneficial in locating possible causes of your low testosterone, such as luteinizing hormones, estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone, and more. Once you have a better idea of the possible causes of low testosterone, you can begin treating them.

Can Hormone Therapy Regain Lost Testosterone?

Testosterone therapy is one of the most prolific ways to restore testosterone levels. The benefits of testosterone therapy are many – although we tend to think of testosterone as being responsible for sexual function, it controls a variety of other important functions in the body. For this reason, testosterone therapy can alleviate symptoms like χαμηλή ενέργεια, moodiness, weight gain, muscle loss, hot flashes, brain fog, σεξουαλική δυσλειτουργία, Και πολλά άλλα.

Testosterone therapy can take several weeks to produce noticeable results, but it’s possible to restore testosterone to its previous levels when you partner with a knowledgeable intimate health provider. Your provider can help you determine the appropriate amount of time to remain on testosterone therapy for your health goals.

Θεραπεία τεστοστερόνης στο Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics

The first step in learning more about restoring testosterone levels is meeting with a knowledgeable intimate health expert. To get started, επικοινωνήστε με το γραφείο μας and schedule a consultation. We conveniently serve the greater Long Island and Queens, NY areas.

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